
CIA 2404 Step Till You Drop 2 DVD Review

The problem with this DVD is that you can't follow the workout at all. The instructors have horrible cuing - much of the time they don't at all. The couple of times that I tried the workout I got no exercise because I had to keep stopping to figure out what they were doing so I ended up going on runs afterwards. I was compeltely left in the dust. I don't do step classes regularly, however, I *am* familar with the basic step moves and I've taken enough classes over the last 10 years that I haven't been lost in that I think I should have been able to catch on to any reasonable video. Just to be sure I asked my sister - who *teaches* step aerobics to try it out and tell me what she thinks. She agreed that it had nothing to do with my experience level. My sister got lost also. These insructors seem like they would have a lot to offer if they could just keep the audience on the same page with them. If you buy this, you need to be prepared to spend a very significant amount of time learning it before you can actually get a workout in.

Product Description
Featuring Laura Downing, Melissa Cantillo, and Mark Hendricks. Laura is a Master Class presenter, member of Power Punch performance team, presented for City of Hope. Melissa, ACE, AFAA, Cycle Reebok and Aerobox Certified. Mark, AFAA Certified for over 6 years, Master class presenter in a variety of specialities..

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