
Dynamax Medicine Balls Review

Dynamax Medicine BallsI have six Dynamax medicine balls. I use them for throwing, slamming, thigh kicks, and mule kicks and they have all held up well. In fact I find that for doing slams they survive the best of any I have used. I have found the 4, 6, 8 and 10 pound balls to be the most useful to me when teaching. With over a year of daily abuse I have yet to have one of these balls fall apart. The only modification I made to the balls was to glue a piece of leather over the main stitching and I cut off the carrying loops. The balls soften up with use and become even more of joy to use. I find that I use the Dynamax more than any of my other medicine balls.

Product Description
Soft feel, stuffed with heavy duty vinyl coated nylon

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