
Hydro-Tone Hydro Bells - Yellow - Pair Review

I've used the bells for about 15 years now, having gotten sick of always being sore after weight training.There is no piece of equipment that compares to them.I have taught dozens of fellow gym members the proper use (that is, how to pour all one's effort into an overwhelming total body workout for range of motion, cardio, coordination and POWER).Any person of any fitness level can use them: I have taught a senior who rehabbed her arthirtis in 2 months and regained full motion and stength, a golfer who added 20 yards to his stroke, and have recently taught two powerlifters and one female bodybuilder who could not believe how theiy were tested by this simple product.Do you want to get in serious shape?Buy them, find a pool, rent a Tai Chi video, and do those moves in the water.Hold them under the water and do cross-country skiing, moving thru the pool or remaining staionary.Hold them together and do cable-rows. Keep a good posture from your shoulders to your hips, extend your legs into a long stretch, and PUSH.Don't bend over, LUNGE! (STAY ON THE BALLS OF YOUR FEET, IF YOU HAVE YOUR FEET FLAT YOU WILL TWIST YOUR KNEES)CAVEAT: the video does not do them justice, and it advises that you do not do back-twisting moves.This surely is to avoid liability.The whole advantage is that you can, with proper form, push the power in your legs, hips and core, up through your trunk and out through your shoulders into a workout that can have you doing hundreds of reps per hour with all major muscle groups at once.You cannot imagine the strength this produces, if only you are willing to push yourself.GET THEM NOW.

Product Description
Hydro-Bells are a yellow hydrodynamic resistor with three-dimensional configurations designed to enhance and take advantage of the total resistance field of water.

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