
Premium Versa-Tube Heavy - Blue Review

I bought four different colored (varying resistance levels) tubes at the behest of a terrific trainer -- yellow, green, red and blue -- from light to heavy. Her comment was, "Using these and doing exercises recommended and walking you can stay in very good shape." So far -- it's only been one month -- I can see a huge difference and the beauty is that I don't have to go to a gym, or if I travel, I can easily take these with me and have no need for any additional equipment, or an expensive gym membership. As a woman of a certain age (a-HEM!), these exercises are essential to build strength and gain energy. Using these tubes is fun and every time I apply them I am rewarded because they are simple processes, and make you feel productive in a very short period of time. Very cool product[s]...Honestly, I have not yet reached the point of using the blue one --- oooooohh, can't wait!

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