
Xvest X4040 40-Pound Weight Vest Review

Xvest X4040 40-Pound Weight VestI've been using this product with 10% of my body weight for about a month now and I'm noticing some impressive results as far as toning, endurance, and overall strength.I wear this vest during my treadmill run, my weight-training, and my kickboxing workouts.The vest feels balanced and comfortable to wear.The elastic straps keep the vest firm against my core and there is virtually no jostling or bouncing.At first it was a little difficult to breathe because it was so snug, but I learned that this feature promotes "dynamic breathing" and now my lung capacity has drastically improved.My only real complaint is that it sometimes rides up in the front a little (roughly 1.5"-2.0") and I have to pull down on it, however this doesn't really interefere with the product's performance.My favorite exercises with the vest are pushups, running and pull-ups.Since using the vest, I have increased my maximum pull-up reps (without the vest - and without kicking my legs) by 4!During kickboxing I notice that I'm a lot quicker on my feet and I'm delivering more powerful roundhouse kicks.I'm also able to run much longer distances at higher inclines before bonking.

Sit ups on the floor with the vest are uncomfortable because of the weights located behind my lower back.However, I've found that using a declined bench or swiss ball alleviates this discomfort.It also helps me achieve one heck of a burn.

This vest will up your game, but only if you put forth the effort.During the first few days of using it there were moments when I felt like passing out.It's definitely hard work, but if you're looking for a new way to crank up your workouts, I would highly recommend this product.

Product Description
The basic premise of the Xvest weight vest is very simple: training or exercising the body at a heavier weight than it is accustomed . With specific exercises or very broad conditioning exercises, you will find that your conditioning level will improve and your strength, power, and quickness will also improve. This is accomplished by "tricking" your body, brain and your muscles to believe that you have gained this extra weight but in actuality, you have not. When the Xvest is removed, your body will function and react as if the weight is still there; therefore, you have tricked your mind and muscles and will be capable of producing power, speed, quickness and endurance at levels that you might have never obtained.

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