We've all seen this system hawked on television infomercials.The heart-elevating music, the testimonials, and Billy's drill sergeant style all persuade us to buy.But did Billy take the complaints seriously and provide a system that Tae Bo veterans would find challenging?
I am pleased to shout out a resounding `yes'.
The set includes four (4) videos, "Basic Training Boot Camp" (55 minutes), "Cardio Boot Camp" (30 minutes), `Abs Boot Camp (35 minutes), and "Ultimate Boot Camp (55 minutes), and comes packaged with two (2) `Billy Bands', a workout schedule with dieting tips, motivational dog tags and a seven (7) day supply of Billy's Energy Supplements.For some unknown reason, the set offered on Amazon.com does not contain the Cardio Boot Camp session, hence making it impossible to follow Blanks' four (4) week workout plan.
The first 55 minute session is not for the faint of heart. Showcased as the video of choice for the first week of Billy's 4 week workout schedule, it starts out with 4 sets of full position push-ups and squats. Billy bulldogs you through rapid fire calisthenics combined with the familiar Tae Bo kicks and punches that only veteran Tae Bo-ers will be able to follow the first time through. Rewinding might be necessary initially to see first and then do without feeling exasperated.
About a third into the time allocated, Billy dons the Billy Bands---two (2) elastic resistance bands that are anchored by built-in stirrups and hand grips.Unfortunately, Billy doesn't supply an accompanying written instruction how-to to explain how to adapt the bands for someone less than 6 feet tall.He does demonstrate this in Cardio Boot Camp, the very session that Amazon excluded from its packaging.Go figure.
The pace of the exercise with the bands takes off like a rocket and doesn't quit---there will definitely be times when that rewind or `slow' button will come in handy to insure a full range of both negative and positive motion. With his intrepid benign bulldog style, Billy will demand yet another set from already stressed muscles and then coax out a <gasp> double-time set which delightfully even his background troop cannot sustain.Jumping with lightning speed from biceps to deltoids, rhomboids to triceps, he interjects kicks and punches that the bands force you to do with close-to-perfect form.Even so, attempting a signature Tae Bo move like, "Speedball" becomes a real chore with the bands flopping over and under the wrist, cutting into the upper arm and never quite being in the position demonstrated by Billy and the gang---at least not in the rapid-fire time he allots each exercise. In spite of this functional error, the bands do up the ante, making the completion of each set a rival to a labor of Hercules. Basic Training Boot Camp finishes up with floor work-mostly abs----an abbreviated stretching routine and trademark motivational pep talk.
In week two (2) Blanks adds Cardio Boot Camp to the mix---less calisthenics, more kicks and punches and more band work.This session at only 30 minutes is a cinch compared to the Basic Training.As is the Abs Boot Camp included in week three (3) that doesn't even use the bands and focuses on abdominal-work done while still in an upright position.
The piece de resistance comes in week (4) with the Ultimate Boot Camp-same format as BasicTraining that includes more advanced calisthenics like roll over push-ups, lunges and squats that will leave you panting.
Bottom line:Despite his commercialism, Blanks does deliver the goods with this series.Unless you are in peak athletic condition, completing both 55 minute sessions ascertains waking up the next day with a little pain.The two half-hour sessions provide great breathers for either a day when less exercise is more or when a warm-up to a jog or other aerobic activity is necessary.Unlike the 2004 Capture the Power series, this Tae Bo offering builds on what you already know, progressing you to the next rung in the Tae Bo ladder.Recommended for all Tae Bo devotees.
Product Description
Billy Blanks, creator of Tae Bo®, presents his brand-new, latest& greatest workout system: Billy's BootCampTM. Billy will motivate you to Blast into Shape in 7 Days and completely transform your body and your mind! Billy's BootCamp is a complete fitness system that consists of 3 amazing new workouts combined to create a fat blasting muscle toning program. Whether you're a beginner or already one of the millions of Billy Blanks followers, BootCampTM is the best workout series for any level! 3 ALL NEW Workouts Basic Training BootCampTM Billy takes his experience from 6 days of real basic-training exercise and concentrates it into one get-you-started workout that lays the foundation for your new body, new spirit, and the new life you want. (approx. 55 mins) Ultimate BootCampTM Designed by Billy to be the FASTEST hour in fitness! This is the workout that ties it all together cardio, upper-body toning, lower-body toning, and abs in one mega-workout that drives you to peak performance. You'll get maximum results in minimum time for your entire body! (approx. 55 mins) Ab BootCampTM Billy introduces a whole new approach to attack the belly fat, and give you the slimmed-down midsection you've always dreamed of! This brand new approach gives you the same effect as crunches without the stress and strain. It's Billy's three pronged attack in the battle against that midsection bulge! (approx. 35 mins) ALL NEW Billy BandsTM All new for BootCampTM, these are Billy's secret weapon in the battle against fat and flab! Billy has added resistance bands for added muscle toning and sculpting. Now Billys workouts are even better and offer more benefits and variety. Boost your metabolism and get even greater results! 7-Day Success Plan For optimal results, follow Billys 7-Day Success Eating Plan.What is Included?Billy Blanks 7 day sucess planBilly Blanks bandsBasic training bootcamp DVDUltimate bootcamp DVDAb bootcamp DVD
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