
The Kettlebell Way to Your Perfect Body Volume 1 Review

I have recently completed P90X so I was already in good shape and I was looking for a way to keep fit that would not require as much of a time committment. After seeing all the news about how kettlebells develop functional fitness and combine cardio and strength training I was skeptical but decided to order this DVD.I have now been using it for over 1 month and its an amazing workout.Kettlebells are not cheap (an neither is this DVD) but its an investment that pays great dividends.

The moves are a little tricky initially, you should review the tutorial before starting this workout.A Kettlebell really makes you activate a lot of different muscles to stabilize it so its best to start off with a light weight or even a light dumbell until you get the movement patterns down.It also takes a few times through the workout until you know which weight is right for you.I bought 2 kettlebells; 25 lbs and 35 lbs and that is all I need for now.

I do this workout with a heart rate monitor and it burns over 700 calories in 45 minutes (at least for me).Do this workout 3 times a week and you will be in great shape!

Product Description
The Kettlebell Way to Your Perfect Body is a 40-minute workout led by America s foremost kettlebell expert, Anthony Diluglio and kettlebell enthusiast, actress Beth Chamberlin.

This follow-along workout is turn-key . It contains a tutorial and a forty-minute workout that allows the user to safely and effectively begin using this product right out of the box. The program works for men as well as women. Different sized kettlebells are the differentiating factors between individual users.

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